Based on the 2008 computer animated film from Pixar Animation Studios, the video game version of WALL-E involves playing as the lonely robot as he navigates a trash-tainted world and begins an unlikely trek across the cosmos.
Developers |
Asobo Studio, Heavy Iron Studios, Helixe |
Publishers |
Play THQ |
Genres |
Adventure |
Platform |
Steam |
Languages |
English |
11,61 €
2 in stock
Based on the 2008 computer animated film from Pixar Animation Studios, the video game version of WALL-E involves playing as the lonely robot as he navigates a trash-tainted world and begins an unlikely trek across the cosmos.
Developers |
Asobo Studio, Heavy Iron Studios, Helixe |
Publishers |
Play THQ |
Genres |
Adventure |
Platform |
Steam |
Languages |
English |
Developers |
Asobo Studio, Heavy Iron Studios, Helixe |
Publishers |
Play THQ |
Genres |
Adventure |
Platform |
Steam |
Languages |
English |
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